Wiring, Wheels and Welding
Jeff has now installed the wiring in the wings for the servos along with the forward pins that prevent the wing from rotating. The canard now has epoxy on it and will have the elevator cut out tomorrow. The wing will be closed out tomorrow and likely have the servos installed as well.
The winglets will be permanently attached to the wings once the wings are closed out.
So as you can see, I finished the welding table. It’s a beast at 8' x 4' and probably weighs about 300lbs. My welding has improved but I still can’t weld vertically. So, for now I’ll just stick with horizontal welds. Tomorrow we’ll sit the welder in the tray at the bottom. We are now ready to begin creating platforms for the plugs. Foam block will be on the way soon. It won’t be too long until we start milling the first plug with the CNC.
The compressor is a 10hp, rotary screw total air system with a 150 gal tank. This should suit us for many years and easily provide air for the CNC and air tools.
There are many more things in progress right now. More updates to come soon.